Friday, January 21, 2011


Experience in Melaka

Melaka, well known for it's Baba Nyonya Culture and histories of Hang Tuah. Been here with GSS(Gabungan Siswa Siswi Serantau) UiTM, Shah Alam. Never thought that my involvement in this club will bring me touring around Peninsular Malaysia.

Ejut, Enie, Syaz, Mas and I, took photos with our red GSS t-shirt at UiTM Lendu Melaka. We visited many historical places in Melaka including A-Famosa. We took so many photos and we even try the famous Melaka trishaw(beca)just a short distance..hahah. I could never forget that. The visit to Melaka is due to our interest to see the uniqueness of culture in Melaka such as Baba and Nyonya and Portugese.

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