Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Experience in Jogjakarta, Indonesia

Visited in June 2009, and with 16 other members...I travelled in Singapore, a few days before here in jogja...Candi Borobudur,where had listed as one of the Wonders of the World..(as i wish to visit them all)..I hope so..Never imagine I would be in here..(since i encountered a few obstacles before this visit...). The cheap souvenirs bought to bring home and T to make my travel something memorable..especially the funny one..Justin....our trip members could not check in due to due date of his pasports and also everyone had to fast to the airplane since all of us so late to check in...hahah....imagine 16 of us running like marathon and Justin with his Big hand luggage(that cannot be check in with) to our plane..and also my luggage was forgot to pick at the airport at the arrival area which result me and Chien have to buy clothes...(since no luggage)..and thank god...WE COULD CLAIM THE LUGGAGE AT THE AIRPORT AFTER THAT THE DAY AFTER....

The Candi Borobudur had so many mystique stories or myth that were told to us..some of it was..a lady commited suicide and haunted her ex fiancee..When we visited the Candi, we were advised not to grief or feel sad on something, because this haunted lady will possessed you..(seems scary ha..).Next, We visited Leather Market and the product was so cheap with high quality..I managed to buy a few leather keychain as a token to bring home. Maloboro market which was well known for it cheap things really capture my eyes..I bought myself a few souvenirs (againnn..) to bring home. We also sprayed with H1N1 smokes (vaksin maybe..) arrival in Jogja, feels like a mosquito being sprayed with Ridsect ( a mosquito repellant brand)..

My visit to Jogja, I able to take some photos of unforgettable moment..I able to mesmerize others on my photo taking techniques..(hahah..just kidding). The pictures of Jogja that make me miss Jogja much more..i pity those families in Jogja (recently earthquake, tsunami and Merapi volcano eruption).

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