Monday, January 24, 2011


Experience in Pahang

I went to Jengka, Pahang with my sister (foster), Juliana or ju. We drove his boyfriend kancil's car (now husband...).I also went to Pahang with the GSS club,we went to Cherating and I bought some souvenirs for myself such as t-shirts. The beach quite sandy but not so many nice scenery due to too many stalls at the beach selling souvenirs (expensive a bit).


Experience in Kedah

Kuala Muda at Kedah Darul Aman, where I had volunteer to clean up Tsunami affected area with my club, GSS. There are so many houses destroyed after the disaster. So many people lost their house. We help to clean the houses and burnt all the rubbish like mountains. Some volunteer give children medicine or vaccine for protection from illnesses.


Experience in Perlis

GSS and I went to Padang Besar, border to Thailand. I have the opportunity to buy some toys dolls for my nephew and nieces back home in Kuching. some people said that jeans sold here are cheap with good quality (maybe..)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Negeri Sembilan

Experience in Negeri Sembilan

Port Dickson have sandy beaches and blue sea. I went to PD with a few friends after a short event. The trip ended at a beautiful beach and we able to play banana boat and sand castle there. I took photo with one of GSS (Gabungan Siswa Siswi Serantau)Club, Universiti Teknologi MARA(UiTM) Shah Alam commitee member, Jumi. Some of the GSS friends still keep in touch with me and I would like to thank the club because, by joining this club I had the opportunity to tour around Peninsular Malaysia


Experience in Melaka

Melaka, well known for it's Baba Nyonya Culture and histories of Hang Tuah. Been here with GSS(Gabungan Siswa Siswi Serantau) UiTM, Shah Alam. Never thought that my involvement in this club will bring me touring around Peninsular Malaysia.

Ejut, Enie, Syaz, Mas and I, took photos with our red GSS t-shirt at UiTM Lendu Melaka. We visited many historical places in Melaka including A-Famosa. We took so many photos and we even try the famous Melaka trishaw(beca)just a short distance..hahah. I could never forget that. The visit to Melaka is due to our interest to see the uniqueness of culture in Melaka such as Baba and Nyonya and Portugese.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011



A short trip to Sibu

A trip to Sibu where I attended my best friend's wedding, Unah and Patrick at RH Hotel and also visiting my brother after his brain operation (Thank to Allah, he is ok now..). I was born in Sibu on 29 May 1980 and lived in Police Batalion 15,Lanang Camp.

I grew up for 12 years in this old police barrack (Batalion 15, Police Force Lanang Camp)and I cried when I saw my old nostalgic and memorable..good times and bad times..and the place that so many unforgettable moment especially with my late father, Azmi Abdullah or known as Regep anak Nopet (I miss u so much dad..).
Sibu, I left this place when i was 13 years old..I move to Kuching after my dad pass away. Sibu changed a lot.


A short trip to Lawas

Lawas is so nice and i am imagined my self in Venice that time..hahah..But one thing for sure, the beautiful evening scenery in Lawas, really amazing..I used sampan to go to Lawas, Sham's house(Siti's fiancee) and our short trip ended with a tea at Sham's house.

The best part, thanks to my friend (actually...foster brother) Mike took my photo with Sham and Siti in the sampan (boat) and the picture i will cherished forever..since Siti and I had lost contact ...Siti, my close friend from secondary five (form 5) at Kolej TDTH Bujang, Miri.


A short trip to Limbang

I visited Limbang with my friends, Mike and Siti. Before we reached Lawas and Limbang, we have to go through Brunei. My first trip to Limbang was a free and easy where we just drove the car around the small city and pass by a the waterfront. I able to take the photo of the waterfront as momento to be remembered.

My friend, Siti drove my car for the first time and she said that my car, Savvy suits a long distance drive. Yehh,'s my car condition right now...maybe for long distance and oild consumption might be true but for a cheap might think twice...

Thursday, January 13, 2011


A Short trip to Brunei Darul Salam

December 2008, where me, Mike and Siti drove to Brunei before we go to Lawas, Sarawak (Siti's fiancee's house ..hahah). A drive to Brunei with my new car, Savvy was so enjoyable and an adventure. We attended Brunei Wedding and a life time experience..that can not be forgotten...and also forgot to have imigration stamp at one of the Brunei checkpoint..resulted..we had to drive back a few hours looking for that unnoticeable checkpoint (since i t was located at a bigggg tree and not at the roadside)....we also had to experience our new year 2009 eve at Brunei ( as the last checkpoint close) TRIP indeed....hahah

I miss the moment I spent with Siti and Mike...Wish all them the happiest life ever. The first drive to Miri from Kuching with my new car, which I bought 5 months before that. The drive to Miri and a few other friends, convoi with 2 cars..We even went to Mukah, Sibu, Serikei and Miri (finally, before we drive to Limbang, Lawas, and Brunei) for a transit.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Doha, Qatar

Experience in Doha, Qatar

It was in 2005.The airport is quite small and crowded with people but have so many interesting retails. BMW and Mercedes, maybe considered outdated and put at the showroom in the airport without anyone interested in.. hahah

A night stay at Doha, Qatar really interesting as you can see Lamborghini, Porshe and many imported cars just laying on the amazing..and i saw for the first time..people smoke, strawberry and even coffee taste. We stay in the hotel nearby the city and we can't see or heard any sound of bus or taxi as buzying around as everyone drove their own car. what a city...I wish I could stay longer to witness how rich people spend their time and money....

Kuala Lumpur

Experience in KL

KL, the photo taken on June 2009..actually KL can be called as my second home before and until now...everytime i travelled to other places or countries, I will took the opportunities to stay in KL, 2 or 3 days ahead or after my friends house, airports and cheap hotels (budget traveller..hahah)...although KL "my second home", HONESTLY..I still afraid to walk around Kl you know..pick pockets, muggers and even snatchers are everywhere..include at your lovely hometown..but I still believed that (and every Malaysian..)...feel proud to be Malaysian and feel fortunate living in Malaysia...(peace and harmony)..Malaysia Boleh....

I went to my students convocation with my ex bos, Miss Jane and my friend Awin from Cosmopoint Johor, in Putra World Trade Centre or known as PWTC,Kl on May 2010 and mix emotion happened in me..makes me cried..hahah... KLMU or Kuala Lumpur Metropolitan University and CiCT (Cosmopoint College of Technology)Convocation runs smoothly..I love my students so much..

I reached KL midnight (12 midnite) because of our light (Airasia) was delayed. I have to stay in the LCCT Airport and the night stay in the Airport was not a good idea actually..I only can sleep for 20 minutes or less). I try to put myself on sleep but unfortunately, the sound of people talking, and other noises really irritated me. So, the whole night, I sit and watching at people around me and what are they doing...What a night. I slept at the surau (prayer room) after my morning prayer..a bit peace and comfort (as it was locked at 11pm, that is why I did not sleep there last night).

Johor Bharu, Johor

Experience in Johor Bharu, Johor

I visited JB in June 2009 and May 2010. Thanks a lot to my friend, Awin for being a great tourist guide to me. Dangga Bay, where i ate a lot (food in Singapore too expensive..could not afford to buy any)after a day trip to Singapore with Awin and Chien. JB,a transit to KL from Kuching (my lovely hometown),due to it cheaper flight fare compare from Kch to KL, a place where i found that people are nice and treat you like a family...Awin's family treated me with warm like others... such as BB(awin's friend). An experience that I will never forget..was be part of Awin's wedding (hahah). Wedding in JB,quite grand and "bunga telur" was white in colour... (duck eggs or telur itik)...ok..something new for me of course.

My trip to JB with my student, Chien had taught me to be more responsible..Being away, with your student not a small have to think about her safety, comfort and fun...The trip to JB and Singapore was impromptu..without a and easy only..


Experience in Jogjakarta, Indonesia

Visited in June 2009, and with 16 other members...I travelled in Singapore, a few days before here in jogja...Candi Borobudur,where had listed as one of the Wonders of the World..(as i wish to visit them all)..I hope so..Never imagine I would be in here..(since i encountered a few obstacles before this visit...). The cheap souvenirs bought to bring home and T to make my travel something memorable..especially the funny one..Justin....our trip members could not check in due to due date of his pasports and also everyone had to fast to the airplane since all of us so late to check in...hahah....imagine 16 of us running like marathon and Justin with his Big hand luggage(that cannot be check in with) to our plane..and also my luggage was forgot to pick at the airport at the arrival area which result me and Chien have to buy clothes...(since no luggage)..and thank god...WE COULD CLAIM THE LUGGAGE AT THE AIRPORT AFTER THAT THE DAY AFTER....

The Candi Borobudur had so many mystique stories or myth that were told to us..some of it was..a lady commited suicide and haunted her ex fiancee..When we visited the Candi, we were advised not to grief or feel sad on something, because this haunted lady will possessed you..(seems scary ha..).Next, We visited Leather Market and the product was so cheap with high quality..I managed to buy a few leather keychain as a token to bring home. Maloboro market which was well known for it cheap things really capture my eyes..I bought myself a few souvenirs (againnn..) to bring home. We also sprayed with H1N1 smokes (vaksin maybe..) arrival in Jogja, feels like a mosquito being sprayed with Ridsect ( a mosquito repellant brand)..

My visit to Jogja, I able to take some photos of unforgettable moment..I able to mesmerize others on my photo taking techniques..(hahah..just kidding). The pictures of Jogja that make me miss Jogja much more..i pity those families in Jogja (recently earthquake, tsunami and Merapi volcano eruption).


Experience in Egypt

It was in December 2005...This was my first overseas travelling experience...and a starting point where my loves for travelling emerging...Visited Pyramids, mummies museum, Alexandria (a beautiful place),Komombo temples, Hotchesoup(I hope I spell the name correctly)Temple,Al Azhar University,American University of Cairo, and Nile River..(the longest river in the world)...
and many more...Besides that, I tested and tried their outrages food...nice but different(maybe not my cup of tea..hahah). Different in terms of textures and colours...

When I touched the Pyramid for the first time, I felt peace and happy..(I don't know why..) and the trip to Egypt also mesmerize me, when i ate the kurma or dates which I pick from the trees..The houses were built with sand and box shapes in Cairo especially (only that shapes..). We used feluca and Cruise through the Nile River..It was extremely an experience..

The day we (selected Student's Leaders from UiTM Shah Alam)went to Egypt (we have to cite some Al Quran verses..especially me due to my name Reni, obviously not a muslims name)and that time was 9/11 tragedy recently happened..and the immigration counter strictly controlled entrance of foreigners to enter Egypt (might be terrorists).


Experience in Singapore

I been here on June 2009. For someone who called themselves as budget traveller like me...Singapore would not be your first on the list...due to the currency to Malaysia compare places like Indonesia, Thailand and other asean countries. I only bought a floppy (cheap sandals) and cheap perfume (at the roadside) as a gift to bring home..People lived in singapore rush for everything ..maybe a bit like KL..but more than KL for sure... Something that we Malaysians should practice from Singaporean...cleanliness..not even a cigarette butt can be found on the road...Unbelievable experience... and should be implemented to our country a penalty for littering or any cleanliness matter...

I ate ice cream potong at the roadside..and it is delicious...What fascinate me was, I went to Singapore by bus which only cost me RM1 from JB and with a walking distance I able to visit few places in Singapore such as Stamford Raffles statue and Merlion Statue . So, that is absolutely true that "you can finish touring around Singapore in a day..." as told by a friend (Singapore absolutely small for a city) but full with excitement...


Experience in Bangkok, Thailand

I been here in December 2010. Culture , food and language....something different from what I had experience but interesting. Thailand (freeland), known for it Thai Girl dance or act (also their tigerrrrr..hahaha) and an authentic food. Friendly people and so many choices of fruits..since i am a fruit and food lovers, i found that quite frustrating that hard to find Halal food (for muslims)maybe due to muslims numbers in Bangkok can be counted only.

Talking about food, a few designed of crepe that attracts me t MBK (mang Brrong Krong, I guess..)and Thai's food have that sourness taste that I like so much...yum yum..Before that , for muslims traveller, please find cresent sign or logo at the stall or restaurant ..then that is Halal food or prepared by muslims...

Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

Experience in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

It was January 2009...I ate Lokan Bakar and drank Kelapa delicious..Thanks to Asrein, brought me visited Hot Poring (World Heritage) and also been to Gunung Kinabalu (just at the checkpoint..hahah). Such an outstanding experience to be told..beautiful scenery of Gunung Kinabalu at Kundasang..(fresh fruits such as strawberry and vegetables can be found here..)

The beautiful Kota Kinabalu, had made me to come again ..and again...since I will be going here again on coming February..I wish to visit the fantastic Pulau or Island in Kota Kinabalu...can't wait to dance with the fish in the sea and experience the beauty of the underwater world (the God's creation).

I took photos of the famous Jambatan Tamparuli (have song about this bridge) and other place in KK,Sabah. I took the photos with my beloved friend, Adini and her husband. She took me to Philipines market (famous with bbq seafood with cheap price) and I love it so much.

February 2011, We (me, Asong, Vic, Mumu and Zaza) went to Manukan Island and it is so beautiful..Masya Allah..I never taught Malaysia had such a beautiful place... i wish to get married in Manukan Island, as the place suits for couples and so romantic.....hehehe